Spiritual Journal




The Bible Explained SPIRITUAL JOURNAL was my method of focusing on the numerous daily blessings of the Lord, instead of the issues that circumstances and the world were dealing.


Every day I’d read Our Daily Bread and log the Scripture, then read the narratives/stories from their brilliant writer, write the Blessing that occurred in my life the last 24 hours, the Person(s) for whom I wanted to pray, and write on two or three lines my Thoughts pertaining to these three entrees on the dated Spiritual Journal page,  The more one realizes God’s grace and mercy, the more He pours upon us.  This action kept me laser focused on the Lord and helped me commit to memory more than 365 thematic passages of scripture in less than a year.  Each month’s prose and poetry introductions were gifts of the Holy Spirit.



Overwhelmed by trials?  Record God’s blessings daily! This Journal is NOT simply for writing.  It is a thematic teaching tool with specific       purposes.  Read the whole book monthly intro, then WRITE!  Memorize one scripture a day to log 365 into your Bio-Computer each year!

  • January Swords of the Spirit to fight the lies of the devil             Introduction:  NEVER Again List – Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters
  • February Love is emphasized daily                                               Introduction:  True Love, The Cross  –  1 Corinthians 13:4-8
  • March Pathways to Love, Peace and Joy                                   Introduction:  Freedom, Victorious Living, Mind Renewal Seminar
  • April             The 3:16 Syndrome, describing Jesus Christ as Lord       Introduction:  Trinity Prose
  • May             Scripture for Women and Girls                                      Introduction:  Mother’s Day Poetic Tribute
  • June             Scripture for Men and Boys                                           Introduction:  Father’s Day Poetic Poem
  • July Liberty and Freedom are paramount                             Introduction:  The World is Mine, God Forgive Me When I Whine
  • August Children and Youth mentioned daily                             Introduction:  A Teenager’s Lament and Prayer
  • September Learn to Suffer Well while being a Warrior for the Lord  Introduction:  On The Potter’s Wheel
  • October Focus on God through Jesus Christ                                Introduction:  Shout Hallelujah, Not Halloween!
  • November Thanks Giving every day                                                Introduction:  The Symbolism of Numbers
  • December Old Testament (God the Father) and New Testament (God the Son) Scripture alternates daily to emphasize Divinity.